Monday, 14 July 2014

Orchid Hybridisation modules

Hi all,

5B went for their Orchid Hybridisation module 1 today. Let's share what you learnt by commenting on this post below. 


  1. Wow ! This is so fast we have not even reach home for 3 hours and this is posted !

    1. This picture was taken from Mrs Tan... Whatsapp posting is faster than anything!!

  2. Haha... Can see myself and everyone in front.

    1. Who say everyone?? I not in the photo!! Brandon Cheah's head is blocking mine!!

    2. And I'm all the way in front! I cannot see myself!

  3. I learnt that there are >100,000 species of orchids.

  4. I learnt that to remove the PH cells from the orchid,you have to place it in the oven for only 3minutes.
    Joanne Loh

  5. Today the speaker shown us the pigments of the purple coloured orchid flower. The pigments are purple of course, but when you add phenolphthalein( I am not sure of the spelling but I am sure it is this chemical), the pigment will turn pink and when you add alkaline to the pigment the pigment will turn dark blue. If you mix phenolphthalein and alkaline together with the pigment the pigment will turn to purple again.

    1. I thought it was acid not phenolphthalein?

    2. What is alkaline? Is spelling right? Are u sure?

    3. What is alkaline? Is the spelling right? Are u sure about it?

  6. I learnt about...oh yea,i learnt how to remove parts of the flower without the whole thing falling apart.And it was very hard!Honestly i did not manage to do it.But i enjoyed it :D

  7. I learnt that orchids can be small or big as well and that there are over thirthy thousand species of orchids and over one hundred thousand hybrids

  8. The speaker said the specific term of the acid is phenolphthalein

  9. I learnt that to remove the PH cells from the orchid, I have to place it in the oven for only 3 minutes.

    1. I thought the teacher said to put the orchid in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes?

  10. I learnt that the biggest orchid can weigh up to 33 children our size now. The smallest orchid can be as small as a ten-cent coin. And something more funny was that no one knew how many human being are there in the world !! The answer is not more than : 2 millions!! The answer is 1, one!! When I think of it, I think that it is a easy question. Just that I'm not using my head. We get to make a coaster each!! It was so fun!! It was challenging for us to cut off the lip from the orchid. All five sepals and petals must still be together. How I wished that Miss Priya was there, so that she can support us when we were cutting the lip. We even went journeying in the garden! We saw Jack fruits, Passion fruits, Dandelion and Jumbo fruits. I learnt that a passion fruit disperse its seeds by animals. Once an animal eats it, the drop its droppings and the seeds grows healthly in the dropping. The droppings actually make a good fertilizer!!

  11. Chang Jen ning15 July 2014 at 02:52

    I really enjoy myself a lot there! It was very fun. How I wish I can have this type of lessons everyday but it is impossible.

  12. I learnt that orchids can look like other insects to sttract the for pollination. I aldo learnt that the vanilla essence vomes from the seeds.

  13. I have learnt how to remove the PH cell from the flower and i have to place it in the oven for 3 mins.

  14. I learnt that the smallest orchid can be as small as a ten cent coin and how to remove the PH cell from the flower

  15. I learnt the largest orchid is the tiger lily and it's flower can be as long as 2 metres!

  16. I learnt the reason why we have vanda miss joaquim as our national flower.I also learnt there is a monkey orchird and a tiger lilly.

  17. The world's smallest known orchid is about 2 millimeters across and you can nearly see through it

  18. I learnt that there are some orchid have a picture of a monkey when you see it and the smallest orchid is about2.1 millimetres and the petals are transparent

  19. I learnt that orchids can be hybridized... And a question : instead of removing the PH and water and stuff, why not just flatten it and dip it into liquid nitrogen and then put it into the glass coaster on the epoxy? Wouldn't it be easier?

    1. Brendan Tan, I do not think Liquid Nitrogen is used for this purpose. Futhermore, you will suffer severe frostbite after placing the flower in Liquid Nitrogen. :)

    2. But they have the thermo glove thingy to prevent it from happening right???

  20. I learnt that there are orchids with pictures of animals.I also leant that the orchids specie don't just consist of those roadside orchids but a few thousand of them.There are also hybrids which we seldom see.

  21. By the way, another question: what is the hardener called that is mixed with the epoxy? (8D)

    1. Brendan Tan, it can either be bisphenol-A or Epichlorohydrin.

  22. I learnt that there are orchids named after some people and orchids have all sizes big or small.

  23. I learnt that the largest orchid flower is the tiger orchid

  24. I learnt that there many different species of orchids.
    Wen xuan

  25. I learnt that we can transform orchids into gifts like,accessories,bookmarks,coasters and much more other things.

  26. Haidah Fikriyah15 July 2014 at 06:52

    I learnt the different species of orchids today.

  27. I learnt that there are many different types of orchids.Some of the orchids also have names of famous people who came to Singapore.They are given as gifts to VIP people too.Our school also has an orchid of our own.Most of the schools in Singapore have orchids for their school.Some schools have already named their orchids , however our school does not have a name for the orchid yet.
